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"Small fish in big pond" VS "Big fish in small pond"

Small fish in big pond vs Big fish in small pond

Ever heard of this theory?

I'm writing this because I feel a sense of disappointment, due to the chaos in my business.

I started my career in 2016, but only got the right direction in 2017, which was when I signed up as a freelancer on Fiverr, and opened an illustration gig on the platform.

It's been 5 years, until now, 2022. And a lot of changes have happened.

I've heard that the more you see the less you know.

The more you see the less you know — old sayings.

And somehow my subconscious responds to that words negatively.

I'm just trying to be honest, this is what I mean; when I see people who are more successful than myself, I feel like I'm so small.

At first it wasn't like that.

At first when I saw people who were more successful than me, whether in freelancing, illustration, or whatever; I am interested in learning from them.

However, I violated a principle that was ingrained in me (but I never realized it and I always forgot this principle).

We can never be someone else.

I've heard of such a thing as an illusion of a swimmer's body.

Swimmers have beautiful bodies, because they have it genetically.

Green swan illustration by inspio creative

Which means, we can do exactly the same exercises as those great people, and still not get what they had.

Is that funny?

And what's interesting here, when I feel disappointed and frustrated with my day job, I am moved to immediately write a blog and pour all my complaints here.

For some reason, blogs and posts here are like jokes or spilled coffee that can be turned into expensive art (I don't understand what I'm writing here, whatever. The important thing is that I feel happier, haha).

So guys, let's get back to the main topic.

I see other people at the same level as me, they are so successful, so great, brilliant and talented.

I'm a little jealous (okay the truth is bitter).

At first I thought that this was a response of helplessness.

What was interesting, however, was when I took back Malcolm Gladwell's David and Goliath.

We tend to compare ourselves to people in the same field as us.

And when people in the same field as us seem better, we feel bad.

This is called relative deprivation.

Know yourself illustration

We are often wrong in measuring our own abilities, and we are wrong in measuring the abilities of others.

So now I'm going to stop focusing on smart or stupid, great or bad, cool or boring.

Rather than all of that, it is better to keep working, with all of our soul and body.

And maybe instead of being a small fish in a big pond, we are likely to hide in the coral more often because there are big fish crossing here and there,

It would be much better if we were the big fish in a small pond, where we were the center of attention.

Yo. Cool. Right?

So, in that regard, keep being yourself, no matter how absurd you are.

Keep shining in your own light and color.

And remember, that maybe you will do something great; which no one else would be able to do;

Cool illustration by inspio creative

and maybe other people will be envy or jealous to you.

And that's when you can give wise advice about being a big fish in a small pond.

Yo. Right?

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